Sunday, November 22, 2009
South Vs North

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

In class today we discussed about the Missouri Compromise. Willingly I wanted to extend my knowledge about this and decided to answer some reflection questions. In what situation will compromise not work? I will also give a non-negotiable situation that could happen in a teenager’s life. I’m also going to describe in both situations why compromise would not work or be the best pathway to follow.
Compromise will not work in religious beliefs. An example is when the man doesn’t give privileges to the woman: Not showing her hair, to not wear clothes that will show her feet, stomach, breast, hair, or even sometimes their face and whole body. The Missouri Compromise wouldn’t work because half of America still has slavery, and the best path way to follow is to stop slavery completely in all America.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
After My University Studies
When I finish my university studies I will immigrate back to Morocco. Here are some ESPRAT+G Reasons why I chose this decision.
E: Morocco is starting to become a rich country
S: In a place where my family and friends live
P: I don’t care about politics
R: Morocco’s religion is mostly Islam and I Muslim so this country will be very good for me religiously
A: Arts don’t matter to me because I’m not that artistic.
T: Moroccos T is Developing very fast. By the time I finish my studies morocco will be fully developed Technology
G: Very good vues. Average population.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Moroccan Parties

Morocco has many Political parties. All of them will be mentioned according to their location, Left, Right, or Central.
Socialist Union of People's Forces (Union Socialiste des Forces Populaires, Al ittihad alishtiraki lilqowati ashaabia)
People's Movement (Morocco) (Mouvement Populaire, Alharaka ashaabia)
National Popular Movement (Mouvement Nationale Populaire, Alharaka alwatania ashaabia)
Party of the Unified Socialist Left (Parti de la Gauche Socialiste Unifiée, Hizbo alyassari alishtiraki almotahid)
Front of Democratic Forces (Front des Forces Démocratiques, Jabhato alqiwa addimoqratia)
Party of Progress and Socialism (Parti du Progrès et du Socialisme, Hizbo attaqadomi wa alishtirakia)
Democratic Union (Union Démocratique, alitihado addimoqrati)
Democratic and Social Movement (Mouvement Démocratique et Social, Alharaka addimoqratia wa ashabia)
Democratic Socialist Party (Parti Socialiste Démocratique, Alhizbo alishtiraki addimokrati)
Independence Party (Istiqlal/Parti d'Independence, Hizbo alistiklal)
Justice and Development Party (Parti de la Justice et du Développement, Hizbo alaadalati wa atanmia)
National Rally of Independents (Rassemblement National des Indépendents, alittihado alwatani lilahrar)
Constitutional Union (Union Constitutionelle, Alaitihad addostori)
Authenticity and Modernity Party (Parti Authenticité et Modernité, PAM)
Amazigh Moroccan Democratic Party (Parti Démocratique Morocain Amazigh, PDAM)
Democratic Independence Party (Parti Démocratique et de l'Indépendance, Hizbo ashoura wa alistiqlal)
Liberal Moroccan Party (Parti Marocain Libéral, Alhizbo almaghribi allibirali)
Citizens' Forces (Forces Citoyennes, Alqiwa alwatania)
Reform and Development Party (Parti de la Réforme et du Développement, Hizbo alisslahi wa attanmia)
National Congress Party (Parti du Congrès National Ittihadi, Hizbo almotamari alwatani Ittihadi)
Source : Wikipedia